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Since 2020, Pour Nous' mission has been carried out by the hands of many friends, allies, and mentors. Many concealed their identity throughout their efforts for various reasons. Some wanted to avoid centering themselves, others for fear of reprisals such as doxxing or other forms of online/offline harassment.

We want to first and foremost thank the people who helped launch, foster, and sustain Pour Nous. We see you and would not be here without you. Thank you. Merci.

Our Team: What We Do

Alissa Mustre del Rio, Research

Alissa joined Pour Nous and, most recently, Alterity to create and foster a space where the most marginalized voices can be heard, and to produce research as anti-racist, anti-capitalist, decolonized and intersectional as possible. Alissa recently graduated from Sciences Po with a Master’s in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action, and now produces research and data analysis on migrants/asylum seekers/IDPs through an intersectional lens.


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